জার্মানির RWTH এ ১৮ জন রিসার্চ অ্যাসিস্ট্যান্ট/রিসার্চ অ্যাসোসিয়েট পসিশনে নিয়োগ

18 Research Assistant / Research Associate positions in Process Mining at RWTH
(11 PhDs, 5 PostDocs, and 2 Software Engineers)

The Process and Data Science (PADS) group, headed by Prof. Wil
van der Aalst, is a new research group at RWTH focusing on the
interplay between processes and data. The group currently
offers 18 Research Assistant / Research Associate positions in
Process Mining: 11 PhD, 5 PostDoc, and 2 Software Engineer
positions are available starting from 1-1-2018. Interested in the
interplay between processes and data? Consider applying for
one of these 18 positions!
PADS symbolizes RWTH’s ambitions in the area of Data Science
and is supported through a recently awarded Alexander von
Humboldt Professorship (Germany’s most valuable international
research award with a value of 5 million euros). The scope of
PADS includes all topics where discrete processes are analyzed,
reengineered, and/or supported in a data-driven manner
(www.pads.rwth-aachen.de). Process-centricity is combined with
an array of Data Science techniques (machine learning, data
mining, visualization, and Big data infrastructures). The main
focus is on Process Mining (including process discovery,
conformance checking, performance analysis, predictive
analytics, operational support, and process improvement). This
is combined with neighboring disciplines such as operations
research, algorithms, discrete event simulation, business process
management, and workflow automation. The ambition is to
realize scientific breakthroughs which will help organizations to
turn event data into business and societal value. Investments by
RWTH, the Alexander von Humboldt foundation, and

the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology make it
possible to realize these ambitions and to provide unique job
opportunities for 18 ambitious researchers and software
engineers. There are 11 PhD positions, 5 PostDoc positions, and
2 positionsfor Software Engineers.
Within the Process and Data Science (PADS) group there are four
smaller subgroups working on (1) foundations of process mining,
(2) dealing with large/distributed/streaming/uncertain event
data, (3) automated operational process improvement, and (4)
responsible process mining (focusing on challenges related to
fairness, accuracy, confidentiality, and transparency). Depending
on the interests and background of the successful candidates,
the best fitting subgroup will be chosen, or new subgroups will
be created.

What we offer
RWTH is one of the leading German universities and typically
ranked in the top-3. With more than 43,000 students enrolled in
152 study programs, RWTH Aachen University is one of the
largest technical universities in Germany. Since 2007, RWTH
Aachen University is one of the few German Universities of
Excellence. The computer science department hosts many strong
research groups. This unique ecosystem and strong support of
RWTH, the Alexander von Humboldt foundation, and Fraunhofer
FIT, enables the Process and Data Science (PADS) group to take a
leading role in both process science and data science. Under the
leadership of Prof. Wil van der Aalst, 11 PhDs, 5 postDocs, and 2
Software Engineers will be able to contribute to one of today’s
most exciting research areas: process mining.

More information
See www.pads.rwth-aachen.de (still under construction) or
directly http://www.pads.rwth-aachen.de/applications/. For the
official job announcements, see
• 11 PhD positions: http://web-p.zhv.rwthaachen.de/mainzhv.php?scriptid=job&param=vorschau&nr=
21078&typ=engl (English) and http://web-p.zhv.rwthaachen.de/mainzhv.php?scriptid=job&param=vorschau&nr=
• 5 PostDoc positions: http://web-p.zhv.rwthaachen.de/mainzhv.php?scriptid=job&param=vorschau&nr=
21090&typ=engl (English) and http://web-p.zhv.rwthaachen.de/mainzhv.php?scriptid=job&param=vorschau&nr=
• 2 Software Engineers: http://web-p.zhv.rwthaachen.de/mainzhv.php?scriptid=job&param=vorschau&nr=
21095&typ=engl (English) and http://web-p.zhv.rwthaachen.de/mainzhv.php?scriptid=job&param=vorschau&nr=

How to apply
The first cut-off date for applications is 12-11-2017, later
applications are also welcomed since we anticipate multiple
rounds of applications to fill all 18 positions. Please send your
application via email to applications@pads.rwth-aachen.de
thereby carefully following the instructions. If you have
questions, please also use the address applications@pads.rwthaachen.de.


Courtesy: Dr. Faisal Zaman

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