হার্ভার্ডে ৯২ লাখ টাকার ফেলোশিপ, আবেদন করুন দ্রুত

আমেরিকার হার্ভার্ড রেডক্লিফে ফেলোশিপে আবেদনের সুযোগ আছে বাংলাদেশিদেরাও। বাংলাদেশের বৈজ্ঞানিক, লেখক, সাংবাদিক ও সমাজের বিভিন্ন বিষয় নিয়ে যাঁরা প্রতিনিয়ত কাজ করছেন (ব্যক্তিগত উদ্যোগ বা সংগঠনের সঙ্গে যুক্ত থেকে), তাঁরা হার্ভার্ড রেডক্লিফে ফেলোশিপ করার সুযোগ পাবেন

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৯ মাসের এ ফেলোশিপের জন্য ৭৮ হাজার ৫০০ মার্কিন ডলার দেওয়া হবে। বাংলাদেশি মুদ্রায় ৯২ লাখ ৯৮৫ টাকা। এর সঙ্গে থাকছে মাসিক স্টাইপেন্ড, থাকা ও খাওয়ার ব্যবস্থা এবং নিজের গবেষণার খরচসহ অন্য সব সুবিধা।

আগ্রহী প্রার্থীদের হার্ভার্ড বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় থেকে দেওয়া হবে জে-১ ভিসা। বৈজ্ঞানিক থেকে ইঞ্জিনিয়ার, সাংবাদিক ও লেখকদের দিতে হবে নিজের কাজের নমুনা। যাঁরা শিল্পী হিসেবে আবেদন করবেন, তাঁদের দিতে হবে নিজের কাজের ভিডিও এবং চিত্রশিল্পী হলে নিজের কাজের চিত্র।

Based in Radcliffe Yard—a sanctuary in the heart of Harvard University—fellows join a uniquely interdisciplinary and creative community. A fellowship at Radcliffe is an opportunity to step away from usual routines and dive deeply into a project. With access to Harvard’s unparalleled resources, Radcliffe fellows develop new tools and methods, challenge artistic and scholarly conventions, and illuminate our past and our present.

“A year at Radcliffe was everything I could ask for. The gifts of time and space elevated the way I thought about my work. After many, many years, I felt truly free to explore my craft.”
—2022–2023 Radcliffe fellow

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Our online application for the 2025–2026 fellowship year is now available.

The deadline for applications in science, engineering, and mathematics is October 3, 2024.

The deadline has passed for applications in the humanities, social sciences, and creative arts for the 2025–2026 fellowship year. Please check back in Spring 2025 for 2026–2027 fellowship application information.

Throughout the year, fellows convene regularly to share their work in progress. Coming from diverse disciplines and perspectives, they challenge each other’s ideas and support each other’s ambitions. Many say that it is the best year of their professional lives.

Watch previous public fellows’ presentation series.

The Radcliffe Fellowship Program awards 50 fellowships each academic year. Applicants may apply as individuals or in a group of two people working on the same project. We seek diversity along many dimensions, including discipline, career stage, race and ethnicity, country of origin, gender and sexual orientation, and ideological perspective. Although our fellows come from many different backgrounds, they are united by their demonstrated excellence, collegiality, and creativity.

We welcome applications from a wide range of fields and perspectives. Our fellowship program’s strength is its diversity.

“This fellowship was the most inspiring and generative year of my scholarly life to date. The opportunity to meet and talk with people from such different areas of expertise expanded my horizons beyond measure.”
—2018–2019 Radcliffe fellow

Radcliffe supports engaged scholarship. We welcome applications from scholars and artists proposing innovative work that confronts pressing social and policy issues and seeking to engage audiences beyond academia.

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Reflecting Radcliffe’s unique history and institutional legacy, we welcome proposals that focus on women, gender, and society or draw on the Schlesinger Library’s rich collections.

We welcome proposals relevant to the Institute’s focus areas, which include the following:

Academic freedom and connecting across difference, especially proposals addressing political polarization, inequality, state regulation, and other policy issues as they relate to free inquiry at higher education institutions.

Program Details

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+ How does the Harvard Radcliffe Fellowship Program differ from other fellowship programs?
Harvard Radcliffe Fellows benefit from a uniquely interdisciplinary and creative community that each year spans the sciences, arts, humanities, and professions. This diversity of approaches and expertise sets our program apart from other fellowship opportunities. With access to Harvard’s unparalleled resources, Harvard Radcliffe Fellows can dive deeply into their projects while engaging with scholars, writers, and practitioners with whom they might not otherwise connect. Along with their cohort, Radcliffe Fellows join an exceptional network of alumni, making an impact in their professional fields and in the larger world.

+ What does Radcliffe provide to fellows?
In addition to the stipend, project expense allowance, and additional funds to aid in relocation mentioned above, fellows receive office or studio space in Byerly Hall—in Radcliffe Yard—and full-time Harvard appointments as visiting fellows, granting them access to Harvard University’s libraries, housing, and athletic facilities. If fellows would like to hire Harvard undergraduate students as Research Partners, we will cover their hourly wages. During the fellowship program, fellows are also offered several professional development opportunities.

+ Are any additional benefits available to my spouse/partner and children who will relocate with me?
We do our best to support your relocation and make the year a special one for all family members accompanying you to the Cambridge area. Many of our talks are open to spouses/partners, and there are social gatherings throughout the year to which your families will be invited.

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Here are some additional benefits your family may take advantage of during your fellowship year:

-Spouses or qualified domestic partners of current Harvard University ID card holders may apply for borrowing privileges at Widener Library. More information is available here.

-Family members of scholars may sit in on regular lecture courses in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) and some of the other graduate schools at the faculty member’s discretion.

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-Radcliffe Fellows are eligible to purchase a family membership, which covers spouses/partners and any dependent children under 26, to use Harvard’s gyms and athletic facilities.

-Information about childcare at Harvard University can be found here. Please note: The Fellowship Program provides funds to help eligible fellows cover the costs of dependent childcare.

+ What are typical activities during the fellowship year?
Fellows present their work-in-progress throughout the fellowship year, either in the form of a private talk for their cohort or a public lecture. Group lunches occur two days per week, and fellows are invited to attend events happening across the Institute throughout the year.

+ I have prior obligations that require travel during my fellowship year. Is this a problem?
While the primary purpose of a Harvard Radcliffe Fellowship is to give fellows time and space to pursue their own work, they are expected to engage actively with their colleagues in their cohort and to participate fully as members of the Harvard Radcliffe community. As a result, we ask fellows to limit their travel to scheduled breaks during the year (five weeks in winter and one week in March). Permission from the Executive Director is required if a fellow will be away for more than two weeks during the term. Only if all fellows are fully present in all aspects of the Institute’s life can we build the truly generative and interdisciplinary community that is the hallmark of Radcliffe.

+ How does the Fellowship Program relate to the Harvard Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study? How does the Harvard Radcliffe Institute relate to Harvard University?
The Harvard Radcliffe Institute serves as Harvard University’s institute for advanced study. We are dedicated to creating and sharing transformative ideas across the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences. Core to this mission is the work of the Harvard Radcliffe Fellowship Program, which supports the groundbreaking scholarship and creative production of a diverse class of fellows each year.

The Academic Ventures and Engagement program at Radcliffe brings together scholars from across Harvard University and around the world to foster multidisciplinary collaborations—in small, intensive workshops and large public conferences—that lead to new ideas, innovative research, and the advancement of knowledge. The Harvard Radcliffe Institute Faculty Directors, experts in their areas of study, are committed to creating connections among scholars, schools, and disciplines across Harvard University and around the world. The Institute is also home to one of the nation’s foremost archives of women’s history—the Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America.

Harvard Radcliffe Fellows benefit from full-time Harvard appointments as visiting fellows, granting them access to Harvard University’s libraries, housing, and athletic facilities. Radcliffe Fellows may audit courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and the professional schools at the faculty member’s discretion.

+ What if my question is not listed here?
If you cannot find an answer to your question, please reference our eligibility guidelines for more detailed information. For any other questions, please be in touch with the Applications Office at [email protected]. We will do our best to help you.

Thank you for your interest in the Harvard Radcliffe Institute Fellowship Program!

+ How do I start an application?
Register as a new user by entering your name, email address, and password responses on the New User Registration page of the online application. Once you have registered, you may log in to the portal here and select an application area: Humanities and Social Sciences, Creative Arts (including Journalists and Nonfiction writers), or Science, Engineering, and Mathematics.

+ What discipline should I select if my work is interdisciplinary in nature?
Applicants may designate a primary discipline and are given the option to designate an additional disciplinary area. You may select this additional area from a drop-down menu or write your own description in the answer field.

We advise applicants to select the discipline that best fits their proposed project and educational, professional, or artistic background and the discipline for which they have met the eligibility requirements. We often support fellows whose work crosses disciplinary borders—in fact, we believe Radcliffe is a great intellectual home for such work. We make every effort to find readers with the background and expertise to properly evaluate the applications we receive.

+ The application asks me to list any “additional required resources.” What does this mean?
We want to make sure that the Institute will be able to support you in your work. We do our best to accommodate the varying software/hardware needs of our fellows, but some equipment will be beyond our means. With the information you provide in response to this question, we can work to assess available resources at Harvard University.

+ How long should my curriculum vitae be?
Your curriculum vitae should be no longer than six pages and emphasize only your most significant achievements, publications, exhibits, etc.

+ What should I include in the project proposal?
Your project proposal should begin with a 150-word abstract summarizing your proposed project. The abstract must be comprehensible to a person in any discipline. The recommended format for the abstract is:

  • 1–2 sentences of basic introduction to the field
  • 1–2 sentences clearly describing the project being pursued
  • 1 sentence describing the material/sources/archives to be used
  • 2–3 sentences providing a broader perspective of how the project will contribute to the discipline/society.

The body of your proposal should describe the project, explaining the significance of the topic, placing the work in the context of your field, and indicating how the project would contribute to your field. Be clear about the theory and methodology. Cite the work of others, if relevant; indicate the status of any project already begun and any data already collected.

All applicants should write for an informed but broad disciplinary audience. All proposals will be evaluated by experts in the relevant field. Finalists are reviewed by a multidisciplinary committee.

+ How long should my proposal be? How should it be formatted?
Your project proposal should contain no more than 1,400 words, beginning with a 150-word abstract summarizing the proposed project. (The 150-word abstract counts as part of the 1,400-word limit on the proposal.) The proposal should be in 12-point font, double-spaced, with a 1-inch margin.

+ Are footnotes included in the proposal word count? Can images be included?
Footnotes or works cited will not be included in the word count for your proposal. You may include images, though we encourage you to compress them so that your file does not exceed the maximum file size that can be uploaded (10 MB).

+ Can I see a sample of a successful project proposal?
While we cannot provide an example of a successful proposal, every fellow who has been in residence at Radcliffe has a brief description of their fellowship project on our website, and we encourage applicants to review these for examples of the types of projects we support.

+ I read that your institute has particular focus areas. Do projects have to be related to one of those to be accepted?
No. Proposals may be on any topic.

+ Do I have to submit a bibliography? Are there specific formatting/length guidelines for the bibliography? What should be included in my bibliography?
It is optional to submit a bibliography, as some projects will not require it. Most applicants in the humanities and social sciences submit a bibliography of 1–3 pages in length. The formatting is up to each applicant.

The bibliography is used by reviewers to understand how you situate your project within current scholarship, and to assess whether you are familiar with the relevant literature in your field. It is fine to include a bibliography of works you have already consulted or a bibliography of works you intend to consult, though please clearly indicate which of these you are submitting.

+ What should I submit as a work sample?
For applicants in the humanities and social sciences: If you have completed writing relevant to your proposed project, please include that (even if it is unpublished). Otherwise, please upload a published article or book chapter. The maximum length is 40 pages.

Applicants in science, engineering, and mathematics should submit three published articles.

For applicants in the creative arts, our writing/work sample guidelines vary by discipline:

Applicants in music should submit one to three samples of recent compositions on Soundcloud, YouTube or Vimeo on the Music Supporting Materials Upload page. All samples should be accompanied by written scores, except for electronic or improvisational work.

আবেদন কীভাবে

Applicants in fiction and nonfiction should submit a recent book chapter, short story, manuscript, or article, approximately 30 pages total. Submitted material should be related to your project. If not related to it, published material is required.

Applicants in poetry should submit up to 10 poems.

Applicants in journalism should submit three substantive published articles, approximately 30 pages total. Applicants in this discipline may also submit up to 15 minutes of work on YouTube, Vimeo, or Soundcloud on the Journalism Supporting Materials Upload page.

Applicants in playwriting should submit one play or a section of a play, no more than 30 pages total.

Applicants in visual arts should submit 12 images and, if applicable, up to 3 moving-image excerpts on the Visual Arts Supporting Materials Upload page.

Applicants in film and video should submit a maximum of 15 minutes of work on YouTube or Vimeo on the Film and Video Supporting Materials Upload page. If your total submission sample exceeds 15 minutes in run time, please provide the timestamps of 15 minutes’ worth of material that you would like to be evaluated.

Climate change, especially proposals addressing critical questions of impact and equity.

এ ফেলোশিপের জন্য আবেদন করতে হবে অনলাইনে। বিস্তারিত পাওয়া যাবে Harvard Radcliffe Fellowship 2024-25 –এর ওয়েবসাইটে। এ সাইটে যাওয়ার পর নিজের ই–মেইল ও পাসওয়ার্ড দিয়ে একটি আইডি তৈরি করতে হবে। এরপর আবেদনের প্রক্রিয়ার জন্য আবেদনপত্র পাওয়া যাবে। সবকিছুই হবে অনলাইনে। আবেদনের সঙ্গে দিতে হবে সমাজের বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্রের তিনজনের সুপারিশপত্র। আবেদনের প্রক্রিয়া নিয়ে কোনো কিছু জানতে চাইলে [email protected]–তে ই–মেইলে যোগাযোগ করতে হবে।

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