সরকারী স্কলারশিপ নিয়ে ডেনমার্কে যাবার সুযোগ

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বিশ্বে যে কয়টি শান্তিপূর্ণ দেশ রয়েছে সেগুলোর মধ্যে ডেনমার্ক অন্যতম। উন্নতমানের শিক্ষাব্যবস্থা, পড়াশোনার পাশাপাশি কাজ করার সুযোগ, শিক্ষাজীবন শেষে সহজেই পছন্দনীয় পেশায় যোগদান ও নাগরিক সুবিধার কারণে পৃথিবীর প্রায় প্রতিটি দেশের শিক্ষার্থীরা পড়ার জন্য এখানে আসতে চায়। আপনিও যদি তাদের মতো পড়ার জন্য ডেনমার্কে যেতে চান, তবে আজকের লেখাটি আপনার জন্য।

কেন পড়বেন ডেনমার্কে?

ডেনমার্কের পড়াশুনার মান নিয়ে সন্দেহ প্রকাশ করার কোনো প্রশ্নই আসে না। কেননা, বিভিন্ন শাখার খ্যাতিমান শিক্ষকেরা পড়ান এখানকার বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়গুলোতে। পাশাপাশি, এখানকার শিক্ষাব্যবস্থার প্রায় সব স্তরই অনেকটা গবেষণানির্ভর। আর এ কারণেই সারা বিশ্বের ছাত্রছাত্রীদের কাছে এর চাহিদাও অনেক বেশি।

এছাড়া, উন্নতমানের শিক্ষার পাশাপাশি পার্ট টাইম কিংবা ফুলটাইম চাকরি করে এখানে থাকা এবং খাবারের টাকার যোগান দেওয়া যায়।

Danish Government
Masters Degree

Deadline: varies, Mar-Apr/Sep-Oct 2021
Study in:  Denmark
Course starts Sept 2021/ Feb 2022

Brief description: 

The Denmark Government welcomes highly qualified and motivated international students from all over the world to study in Denmark. A number of scholarships are therefore offered each year by the Danish Ministry of Education to fund students from countries outside the European Union/ European Economic Area. The scholarships can be awarded for a full degree higher education programme.

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Host Institution(s):

Participating Higher Education Institutions in Denmark

Fields of study:

Eligible full-time Higher Education Programmes offered at participating HEIs in Denmark

Number of Scholarships:


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Target group:

Non EU/EEA International Students.

Scholarship value/inclusions:

The government scholarship consists of two parts and can be given as full or partial tuition fee waivers and/or grants towards covering your living costs.

However, as the scholarships are administered by the individual higher education institution, you should ask for further details at the institution of your choice.

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In order to be eligible to apply for a scholarship you have to be:

•  A citizen of a country outside the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland.
•  Enrolled in a full degree higher education programme.
• Granted a time-limited residence permit in Denmark due to education

Application instructions:

The scholarships are administered by the Danish institutions of higher education, each of which decides which students will receive a scholarship. For further information about the government scholarship, please consult the admission details of the higher education institution of your choice. The institution can also inform you about entry requirements, course descriptions, deadlines and student services.

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Deadline varies depending on your choice University and study programme. Generally, the deadline falls around March-April for entry in September of the same year or around September-October for entry in February of the following year.

It is important to visit the website of your choice university and the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


Official Scholarship Website:  http://studyindenmark.dk/study-options/tuition-fees-scholarships/tuition-fees-and-scholarships

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Tuition Fees & Scholarships

Higher education in Denmark is free for students from the EU/EEA and Switzerland and for students participating in an exchange programme. For other students annual tuition range from 6,000 to 16,000 Euro. A number of scholarships and grants are available from the institutions and from public funded schemes

Tuition fees

Higher education in Denmark is free for students from the EU/EEA and Switzerland and for students who, according to EU law, are entitled to the same status as Danish citizens. Similarly, if you are participating in an exchange programme, you can study in Denmark for free.

Higher education is also free for students who, at the time of application,

• have permanent residence
• have temporary residence with the possibility of obtaining permanent residence;
• have a residence permit in accordance with Section 1 §9 m of the Aliens Act as the accompanying child of a foreign national who has a residence permit on the basis of employment etc., see Section 1 §9 a of the Aliens Act. (Danish text) 

Convention refugees and protected persons under the Aliens Act, as well as relatives of such persons, are encouraged to contact the relevant higher education institution or university for guidance on payment (tuition fees).

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All other students must pay tuition fees.

For more specific guidance or information on admission requirements etc., students must contact the relevant higher education institution or university, which is also the institution that decides on matters such as admission and payment (tuition fees) on the basis of the information and documents received from applicants.

Annual tuition fees for full-degree students
USD 8,000-21,000 / Euro 6,000-16,000 (DKK 45,000-120,000).
Note: for exact fees you should contact the institution in question.

Application fee

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Students from outside EU/EEA/Switzerland will be charged a fee when applying for a residence permit (visa) to study in Denmark.

Read more about residence permit application procedures for non-EU/EEA students

Scholarships and grants

Most Danish institutions have bilateral agreements with foreign institutions of higher education. These agreements are usually designed for mutual exchange of students, researchers and teachers. National and European programmes offer scholarships for international students wishing to study in Denmark through an institutional agreement, as guest students or as a part of an international double or joint degree. Certain restrictions and prerequisites apply for the following programmes:


If you are enrolled at a Nordic or Baltic higher education institution, Nordplus may offer a possibility to study in another Nordic or Baltic country as part of your degree. For further information, contact your home university or the national educational agency. To learn more about the Nordplus programme, please visit www.nordplusonline.org.


The Erasmus programme offers students from the EU/EEA and Switzerland the possibility to study abroad as part of their higher education in their home countries. Exchanges last between 2 and 12 months. For further information, please contact your home university or the national educational agency of your country. To learn more about the Erasmus-programme and find out if you are eligible to apply, please visit the website of the European Commission.

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Erasmus Mundus/Joint Master Degree

The Erasmus Mundus programme is open to both EU/EEA and non-EU/EAA students. Through the Erasmus Mundus scheme you can apply for a scholarship to undertake specific Master’s degree programmes. The courses are offered jointly by a Danish institution and another European university or college. Students and scholars must contact the individual Erasmus Mundus Master courses to learn more about scholarships and application procedures.

See a list of approved Erasmus Mundus Masters courses in Denmark

Fulbright Commission

The Fulbright Commission fosters cultural understanding through its prestigious grant program for educational exchange. If you are an American scholar or postgraduate student at master or Ph.D.-level, you can apply for a Fulbright grant for an entire academic year of study and/or research in Denmark. For more information about selection criteria and the application process for a Fulbright grant, please visit the Fulbright Commission website.

The Danish Government Scholarships under the Cultural Agreements

The Danish Government Scholarships under the Cultural Agreements are aimed at highly qualified exchange students and young researchers who wish to immerse themselves in studies of the Danish language and culture or other fields of study related to Denmark, such as design, architecture, environmental studies, and other related fields.

The Cultural Agreements offer scholarships for long-term study periods and summer languages courses to foreign students. Long-term scholarships are offered to students from Brazil, China, Egypt, Japan, Russia and South Korea, while the summer language courses are open to students from the aforementioned countries and 35 European countries. The annual deadline to apply for scholarships for the following academic year is March 1st.  Read more about the Danish Government Scholarships under the Cultural Agreements

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Danish government scholarships for highly qualified non-EU/EEA students

Danish higher education institutions (universities only) receive a limited number of government scholarships each year to fund highly qualified full-degree students from non-EU/EEA countries and Switzerland.

In order to be eligible for a scholarship you must be:

  • A citizen of a country outside the EU, the European Economic Area or Switzerland
  • Enrolled in a full degree higher education programme
  • Granted a time-limited residence permit in Denmark due to education

You are not eligible for a Danish government scholarship if you are:

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  • Seeking admission to an Artistic Higher Education Institution
  • Have a legal claim to the rights of Danish citizens
  • Have been granted a residence permit at the time of admission by the Danish Aliens Consolidations Act §9c, subsection 1, as the child of a foreign citizen who has been granted a residence permit in accordance with the Danish Aliens Consolidations Act §9m, and who is a citizen of a country that is not acceded to the EU or covered by the EEA agreement
  • A student who is eligible for a grant in accordance with Danish Law regarding the State Education Fund

The scholarships are administered by the Danish institutions of higher education, each of which decides which students will receive a scholarship. For further information about the government scholarship, please consult the admission details of the higher education institution of your choice.

Please note: The government scholarship consists of two parts and can be given as full or partial tuition fee waivers and/or grants towards covering your living costs. However, since the scholarships are administered by the individual higher education institution you should enquire at the institution of your choice for further details.

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The Danish State Educational Support (SU)

The Danish State Educational Support (SU) is generally only awarded to Danish residents. As an international student you may, however, apply for equal status in so far as the state educational support is concerned. You may be granted equal status according to:

For details on how to apply, visit the website of the Danish Education Support Agency.

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