3 Career Resolutions You’ll Need To Succeed In 2023

3 Career Resolutions You’ll Need To Succeed In 2023

2023 will be here before you know it and the job market alongside the economic landscape, technology, and the skills needed to be competitive, will be vastly different from what it is today. To succeed, you’ll need to be prepared by setting yourself some career resolutions, that you can work on over the next two years. Here’s a list of the three resolutions you must consider if you want to succeed in 2023:

1) Future-Proof Your Skills

It’s impossible to know exactly what skills will be valuable by 2023, but some of the skills likely to still be in demand include:

  • Digital literacy, including the ability to work with tools like the Adobe Creative Suite
  • Agile working, including the ability to quickly adapt to changing needs and expectations
  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Data analysis

You’ll need to make sure that you’re up to speed on these skills as well as any industry-specific skills that may be in demand. Consider enrolling in training courses and programmes, shadowing experienced professionals, and reading up on industry trends over the next two years. This will help to ensure that you’re able to keep up with developments in your field and remain competitive.

2) Network Regularly

Two years before 2023 is the perfect time to start building your network. You need to make sure that you’re actively forging and maintaining relationships with people who are in your chosen field. Join online networks such as LinkedIn and start making connections. Reach out to professionals you admire and make sure they know who you are. Participate in professional development events and join relevant professional bodies or associations.

3) Choose Your Path Wisely

Finally, now is the time to make sure that you’re on the path that you want to be on. There’s no point working away for the next two years and then having to decide what career you want to pursue in 2023. Make sure that you set yourself up for success. Consider career counselling to help you choose your path wisely and ensure that you’re on the path to achieving your goals.

2023 is coming soon and for you to take full advantage of the opportunities that will be available then, you need to make sure that you’re prepared. The best way to do this is to set yourself some career resolutions that you can work on over the next couple of years; ensuring that your skills are kept up to date, networking regularly, and choosing your path wisely are the three career resolutions you need to consider.

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